Property Legal Verification

Property Legal Verification
with Property Search Report Property Report

Property Rating

A straightforward rating system indicates the legal status of your property.

Encumbrance Certificate

Obtain all relevant Encumbrance Certificates from the past 30 years from official records.

If you have difficulty understanding our work process. Please contact us for better information.

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Our report is based on Government records

Based On Relevant documents

Based on relevant documents, the legal status of the property is determined accurately, ensuring transparency and confidence in transactions.

Sourced from the government.

Data sourced directly from government agencies ensures reliability and accuracy in our reports, offering a comprehensive view of your property's legal status.

Trouble free

Our step-by-step form simplifies the process, saving you the hassle of visiting multiple government offices.

How do I get Property Search Report Property Report ?

Fill the details

Visit Property Search and request for a Property Search Report property report by providing property information.

Make payment

Make online payment using QR code based on selected report type and update UTR/Transaction Number

Recieve Report

Receive Property Search Report property report within 3 -5 working days over your provided email address

Our most popular solution - Property Report

Solves all your property queries The all in one Property Search Report Property Report

The Property Search Report Property Report Helps you in many ways

For Home Owners

For Property Buyers

If you have difficulty understanding our work process. Please contact us for better information.

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Property Search Report is a platform for citizens to get legally verified property report for their properties to save them from property frauds and helps them to take right decision. This is legally verified property expert’s venture.

Contact Us

Feel free to contact us in case of any query or consultation required